We know that making that first contact and discussing your personal issues is not always easy. Our staff are fully trained to discuss with and support you in a caring, empathic and 100% confidential manner while answering any questions you may have with no obligations. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and will ensure that we remove all the obstacles that often put people off accessing treatment.

Make That Initial Phone Call or Email

The first step in your journey to recovery is to make that initial contact, whether by phoning us and speaking to our staff, or emailing us with a request to call you. If you require a call in Hindi, then we can arrange that as well.

We only use therapy staff to undertake these calls, that way you will have a person who will understand your needs, and be able to answer questions that are pertinent to you.

We will spend as much time as you need to determine if Samarpan is right for you and answer any questions you or your family may have.

All of our admissions are voluntary, and we do not admit clients who are not in agreement to treatment or are on an involuntary treatment order.

We also do not allow non-clients to stay within the centre.

Our 24-hour telephone number or WhatsApp is +91 81809 19090 Chat Now. Our Email is admissions@samarpan.in

Contact Us Now

Your telephone assessment

After your initial contact with Samarpan, as part of the admission process, all new clients will have a comprehensive assessment by telephone or Zoom call with a member of our therapy team.

For some client’s, the assessment and admission paperwork can be completed at our Mumbai Outpatient centre.

This is to make sure we understand your requirements and assess your treatment needs to make sure we are the best option for you.

This call will take approximately 15-30 minutes at a convenient time for you.

There is no cost for this assessment.

Making a booking and planning your travel arrangements

If we both feel that Samarpan is the right option for you after the assessment call, our staff can provide information on how to get to Samarpan, what information you will need when you travel and should you be flying into Pune or Mumbai, where we will pick you up from.

You will be given the available dates for admission which depend on bed availability.

For planned admissions, you will be offered Pre-Counselling prior to your arrival of a one-hour session per week, for up to 4 weeks if required. For this service, a deposit must have been paid.

To reserve your private room and allow our staff to conduct all of the preparations and plan for your arrival, there will be a 100,000 INR deposit and your confirmed flight details required - a booking will not be considered complete until we have confirmation of your deposit.

Arriving at Samarpan

Pan India clients will likely arrive into Pune airport, where we will be more than happy to arrange a pick up from, whereas clients from Mumbai will generally arrive by car to Samarpan, Mulshi.

Our cut-off time for admissions into the centre is 4pm in the evening. This is to ensure that if you arrive with any immediate medical needs, we have time to address these with our Partner Hospital if required. We do not admit clients on Sundays.

We advise planning to arrive into Samarpan between 10am – 4pm, our Client Service Representatives (CSR) will co-ordinate your arrival and payments.


  • When you arrive at Samarpan, you will be given both a urine drug test and blood alcohol test. These are conducted so we know exactly what you have consumed recently, and to make sure you have the legal capacity to comprehend and sign Intake forms, as well as ensure there is no risk to yourself or anyone else at our center.
  • You will be sent a Consent Form prior to your arrival so that you can confirm you agree to us performing these tests.
  • If your Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) is over .05, we will provide you with extra time and fluids and a meal until your BAC is under .05.
  • If our medical staff feel that your BAC level (over .10) could be a significant health or safety risk to yourself (i.e. risk of seizure), then we will recommend you visit a local hospital for a medical assessment and possible overnight stay; we can help arrange that.
  • We do not advise you drinking excessively on your travel to prevent any delay to your treatment on arrival at Samarpan.

Arriving at Samarpan Rehab

When you arrive at Samarpan, we may manage your detailed medical check within that same day, but it is usually conducted the following morning after arrival. This is all included in your fees, and will include full blood work, Liver Function test, Kidney Function test, and ECG. Costs for any other recommended tests by our Doctor will be borne by the client, as will any prescribed medication.

You will be allocated your focal Therapist on the day you arrive.

Your Personal Treatment Program

On arrival at Samarpan, as part of your Welcome Pac, you will receive your personal schedule. This will include your timetable, and when you have your individual and group sessions, holistic sessions, fitness and free time. You will receive a tour of the facilities at the same time, as well as complete additional admission paperwork.

If you ever have any questions, we have 24-hour staff that are available at all times.

Returning Home

Towards the end of your treatment program, we will work on your Recovery Plan - a set of objectives and plans that you will work towards when you get home to benefit your recovery. We will involve your loved ones or others that will be a part of your recovery.

We will also discuss continuing care as part of your recovery planning, which will be included with nine individual therapy sessions and nine group sessions organised through our outpatient clinic in Mumbai, to keep you focussed and committed to your recovery. For clients who are not from Mumbai, these will be offered online. You will meet the continuing care team prior to you leaving Samarpan.

We will call you within 48-hours after leaving Samarpan, just to make sure you arrived home safely, and our rehab staff will always be available for support.

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