Evidence Based Treatments Approaches

Samarpan's primary treatment program is a minimum 28-days inpatient stay, with an additional two months of continuing care post-discharge. Often clients benefit from longer stays in treatment, and outcome studies indicate that longer episodes of primary treatment, produce better outcome goals.

The rehab environment is crucial for clients, in that we provide an environment that is conducive to client comfort, in a non-clinical setting. Research has shown that comfortable and pleasant environments improve client engagement, break down barriers between therapy staff and clients and also allow the clients to feel comfortable, when they are emotionally uncomfortable.

Samarpan provides Evidence-Based Treatment Interventions including the proven integrated treatment program, delivered and monitored by experienced therapists with substance abuse backgrounds and supported by highly qualified healthcare professionals.

The core programme of CBT, 12 Step Facilitation, Process Groups, and Relapse Prevention is supplemented by complementary therapy sessions such as art therapy, yoga, mindfulness, massage therapy, reiki, as well as physical therapy, to ensure overall wellness.

As part of our treatment approach, sessions are also conducted with partners and the family, including our family day where client’s families are given educational sessions facilitated by staff and also people in recovery, as well as conjoint sessions with the client, so that the family are involved in the treatment process, and most importantly the post-treatment process.

The entire programme is conceived with the ultimate objective of helping attain freedom from addiction, restoration of health, healing of family relationships, and pursuing of a fulfilled life.

Our Facilities

Those having challenges with their mental health by being affected by the use of substances.

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