All clients at Samarpan will engage in working through 5 Phases of their treatment process. These are written and practical exercises that clients will be expected to complete alongside their other therapeutic activities, to give them a better understanding of their addiction, to provide them with the tools necessary for their discharge and for them to track their progress during treatment.

All clients will be expected to move through the phases of treatment to ensure a successful completion of treatment.

The need for addressing mental health has been projected by leading hospitals, corporates, schools, training centres, government and non-government establishments etc.…

The Phases That Clients Work Through are as Follows

Phase One: Motivation to Change

To assist clients in assessing and improving their motivation to change self destructive thinking and behavior into a productive and fulfilling life.

In this Phase clients will be lead through a series of exercises and treatment activities designed to determine their primary motivation and incentive to get clean and sober. Clients will look at their substance use history, negative consequences, positive reinforcement, and other factors that influence their decision to use and the incentives to stop. We will ask clients to consider collaborative information from family members, healthcare providers and other key individuals in their life. At the end of this Phase clients will have a clear and specific concept of why they might want to get clean and sober and what the consequences are if they were to continue to use.

Phase Two: Awareness

To increase insight and awareness about self and the nature of addiction.

This phase continues throughout the course of treatment. Clients are provided education regarding a variety of topics pertinent to Substance Abuse Treatment and Recovery. Clients are educated on issues including; Drugs of Abuse, Process Addiction, Dual Diagnosis, Relapse Prevention, Family Dynamics, Sober Socializing, Communication Skills, Mood Management, Anger Management, Cognitive Distortions, Developing and Utilizing a Sober Support System, Medications in Recovery, Pain Management, Codependency, Parenting, Workaholism, Identifying High Risk Situations, etc. Clients will be taught clinical techniques that they can use to intervene on behalf of their own Recovery.

Phase Three: Developing and Utilizing a Sober Support System

To develop and utilize a sober support system that has permission and encouragement to give clients feedback and direction.

This Phase begins the process of building a true support system that will assist clients in maintaining their Recovery once they discharge. They will define what it means to them to have a “sober support system” and what characteristics will be required in the individuals who will be involved. They will explore and discuss how people have “supported” or enabled their addiction and how they may have contributed to this process. They will begin to identify specific individuals, organizations, healthcare providers, therapists and support groups that will become their primary support system upon discharge. They will be active in locating resources in their own community that will provide on-going support services. They should take into consideration their life-style, vocation, living situation, family issues and any personal challenges. We can help them contact individuals, therapists and organizations to assure that they are willing and able to commit to being a part of their support network.

Phase Four: Developing a Personal Relapse Prevention Plan

To develop and utilize a sober support system that has permission and encouragement to give clients feedback and direction.

This phase will assist clients to identify specific people, places and things that pose a threat to their Recovery. Clients will be led through a series of exercises designed to help them to understand the relapse process, and identify personal relapse triggers. When clients transition from this Phase they will have an increased awareness of what it takes to succeed in Recovery and what exactly can threaten their Recovery. Clients will develop a list of Relapse Triggers that are specific to your lifestyle and personal issues.

Phase Five: Developing a Personal Discharge Plan

To develop a concrete, specific and measurable Discharge Plan that really addresses the clients issues and provides the most opportunity for continued Recovery.

All clients will have a comprehensive Discharge Plan prior to completing the program. We will assist clients to develop an initial 3 month plan that outlines weekly Recovery Activities complete with times, locations, names and phone numbers. Clients will present their Discharge Plan to the staff, your Sober Support System and the other clients to get feedback and suggestions. Each Discharge Plan is scrutinized by the entire clinical team; key members of the Sober Support System and the client's peers, and must gain clinical approval prior to discharge from treatment. When clients leave Samarpan they will have a concrete, specific and measurable Discharge Plan that we want them to commit to for the first three months after treatment.

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