Twelve-Steps Facilitation (TSF) treatments are a set of semi-structured therapies designed to help people abstain from alcohol and other drugs by systematically linking them to, and encouraging their active participation in, community-based 12-Step mutual-aid organizations.

To this point, Twelve-Steps Facilitation (TSFs) is primarily focused on linking individuals to Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), as it was the first and is currently the largest of the 12-Step mutual-help organizations. (Hence why we refer only to AA below, though other mutual-aid organizations, such as Narcotics Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous, Sex and Love Anonymous may also be part of TSF for clients whose primary substance is not alcohol.)

Consistent with the philosophy in AA that substance use is part of an overall syndrome or disease, and that abstinence is the best way to address the problem, Twelve-Step Facilitation providers also strongly emphasize abstinence as a treatment goal, and assign clients to work between sessions related to AA engagement, including AA readings (e.g., from AA’s main text “The Big Book”) and practical tasks related to attendance, such as speaking with a member, journaling and group reflections

All Samarpan clients will be given an overview of all of the 12 Steps whilst in Primary Treatment and will be introduced to the concept of mutual aid/peer support as part of their ongoing recovery. Written and group assignments will be part of the ongoing treatment process, and clients will have a firm understanding of the benefits of 12 Step groups and how they can assist recovery whilst in Primary Treatment and also post-discharge.

All clients whilst at Samarpan will undertake the first three steps of the program, and will also attend 12 Step H and I meetings weekly. For clients on extended treatment programs, there may be the opportunity to undertake more steps if appropriate.

The principles of the 12-Steps are a formulated approach that can guide people to undertaking self-care of themselves, with the support of other recovering addicts.

The 12 Steps, as outlined in the original Big Book and presented by AA are:

  • Admitting powerlessness over the addiction
  • Believing that a higher power (in whatever form) can help
  • Deciding to turn control over to the higher power
  • Taking a personal inventory
  • Admitting to the higher power, oneself, and another person the wrongs done
  • Being ready to have the higher power correct any shortcomings in one’s character
  • Asking the higher power to remove those shortcomings
  • Making a list of wrongs done to others and being willing to make amends for those wrongs
  • Contacting those who have been hurt, unless doing so would harm the person
  • Continuing to take personal inventory and admitting when one is wrong
  • Seeking enlightenment and connection with the higher power via prayer and meditation
  • Carrying the message of the 12 Steps to others in need
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