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When dealing with someone you know who is addicted, it's crucial to keep in mind that addiction alters the brain. It's a frequent misconception that addiction has taken control over the brain, causing people to act in ways they may not have thought of before their problems with drugs or alcohol.
The brain starts to adjust to a substance's repeated ingestion, which is when addiction starts. The brain often rewards positive activities, such as spending quality time with friends and family, working out, or having a satisfying meal. Similarly, our ability to reason allows us to appropriately consider the effects of our actions and determine which ones are not worth taking. But the quick, artificial satisfaction that drugs and alcohol give the reward system surpasses the pleasure that comes from regular activities by a wide margin.
As a result, the person with an addiction begins to crave the drug more and more, regardless of the repercussions. The reward system is taken over by addiction to the point where the need for the substance outweighs essential aspects of life, such as family and work obligations.
The brain's danger-sensing system is also impacted by addiction, which causes people to experience worry and anxiety when they can't get the drug. When these factors come together, a person's priorities are altered, which leads them to lie and manipulate to feed their addiction.
Those who are addicted to alcohol lie and cheat for a few reasons:
Why do those who are battling drug addiction lie and use particular forms of manipulation? If you have witnessed multiple instances of addiction in your life, you may have concluded that manipulative conduct can appear identical even among highly disparate individuals. You can identify addiction behaviour patterns more quickly if you are familiar with these typical types of manipulation that people who are addicted to alcohol often engage in:
Addiction is costly, no matter what chemical it involves. When someone is addicted, they will continue to spend more money on drugs or alcohol than they should on other financial commitments. Requests for cash or other favours typify manipulation, and they typically don't disclose that the funds are being used to support their addiction. Alternatively, they can claim they need minor rent assistance or have an unforeseen expenditure. This is a ploy to discourage you from posing more queries.
In partnerships, intentionally starting conflicts is an expected addiction behaviour. To divert attention from an urgent conversation about their addiction, the person can pick up a fight. You cannot address the underlying issue of substance misuse if you are preoccupied with defending yourself against emotional outbursts. It could also take some time before you feel comfortable enough to discuss the topic again.
They might try to injure themselves as a form of self-punishment if they don't get their way. They can cut off communication, shutting themselves off from you and leaving you to wonder how they're doing. They might even intentionally damage themselves by driving after drinking, going on a binge, or depriving themselves of food. In severe situations, self-harm may take the form of cutting.
A person with an addiction will almost always place the blame for their predicament elsewhere than on themselves. You'll have to deal with claims that suggest—or explicitly say—that you bear some responsibility for the individual's addiction and deceptive actions.
People with addiction typically go through a phase in their cycle of addictive behaviour patterns where they appear to be improving. They might act unexpectedly apologetic, sorry, and repentant, but this is another ruse to make you feel exposed and caught off guard.
A further manifestation of drug addiction manipulation is an inclination to deflect responsibility from oneself consistently. They constantly look for ways to place the blame somewhere other than on themselves, and they never seem to accept accountability for what they do. They believe that they are not to blame for their addiction. Instead, they start blaming it on unloving family members, demanding work, or the state of the moon—anything to avoid accepting responsibility for their actions.
Identifying manipulative behavior is not always simple, particularly when acting out of love or concern. Nobody likes to think that someone they love controls them. Still, you must be aware of the warning signals to keep your relationship going and establish appropriate boundaries. Look out for these clues in the encounters if you think the individual is trying to manipulate you:
During a conversation, if you see any apparent indicators of manipulation, it's time to back off and use some coping mechanisms to keep yourself safe. Establishing boundaries is the most complex and crucial step in stopping typical addictive behavior and manipulation in relationships. It would help to decide what actions you will and won't tolerate, then enforce repercussions when the other person crosses those lines. For instance, if your loved one has a habit of yelling when angry, you might tell them that the next time they do so, you'll end the talk and leave the room until they calm down.
One aspect of manipulation is the blending of actual support and facilitation. Giving them money to cover all their bills is a classic example of enabling, but they might be able to persuade you that it's a kind and suitable gesture. Learn about typical enabling behaviors and consider how you might be supporting the person's continued addiction. Don't just respond "yes" to their requests without giving them much thought.
Addicts frequently manage discussions, giving you little opportunity to reply carefully. If you can engage in active listening and understand the essence of what the other person is saying, you may be able to identify manipulative behavior when you see it. When asked a series of questions quickly, pause to listen and make sense of the situation before answering. This can stop manipulative actions and gently remind you that you genuinely care about the other person.
There will be moments when withdrawing and spending time with yourself is your only viable healthy alternative. Although it can be difficult to say "no" to someone who is addicted, you won't be able to help them successfully if you are exhausted from constant manipulation. To make sure you maintain your mental health as a top priority, think about seeing a therapist on your own or finding a way to express your emotions.
Samarpan's method is based on empowerment and boundary-setting, which provide people the assertive communication skills they need to avoid manipulative techniques and protect their mental health. Campaigns for education and awareness help people understand the nature of addiction and the behaviors that enable it, enabling them to provide their loved ones with effective support. It can be difficult to adjust from rehab to daily life. Still, Samarpan offers complete aftercare services, such as continuing counseling and support groups, to guarantee treatment continuity and long-term success in recovery. Samarpan helps people and families on their path to recovery by guiding them toward resilience and healing with a dedication to compassion and empowerment.
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+91 81809 19090admissions@samarpan.in