The Benefits Of Interventions For Drug And Alcohol Abuse

Most people with untreated substance use disorder (SUD) have difficulty being objective about their circumstances. Many people are unaware of the benefits of interventions offered by treatment facilities. Sometimes, family members or friends must consult specialists to determine if their loved one needs professional help. According to The BMJ, “Millions of Indians are dependent on alcohol, cannabis, and opiates, and drug misuse is a pervasive phenomenon.”

Early intervention, diagnosis, and treatment provide the best outcomes for clients with SUD and co-occurring mental health issues. Samarpan Recovery offers consultation services to help families present treatment options to their loved ones.

What Is An Intervention?

Interventions for drug and alcohol abuse help protect individuals and communities from the damaging effects of substance misuse and unmanaged mental health issues. Families that have struggled to get help for their loved ones will benefit from collaborating with the dedicated clinicians at Samarpan Recovery. The care team can guide families by engaging their loved ones and introducing them to treatment options.

An intervention is usually conducted by friends or family. Mental health or addiction recovery specialists may provide consultations before or after the intervention. In most cases, it involves the following:

  • Providing objective evidence that the person is experiencing SUD or a mental health issue that requires treatment

  • Offering information about relevant treatment programs

  • Encouraging the person to seek an official diagnosis and help

Interventions for drug and alcohol abuse can also involve an introduction to 12-Step programs or local support groups. According to Substance Use and Disuse, “Research has repeatedly found that those with stronger social support networks remain in treatment longer, and have better recovery outcomes with a decreased likelihood of return to use.”

Personal Autonomy And Interventions

Martin Peters, Director of Residential Services of Samarpan Recovery, has stated, "Interestingly from my experience of working in Asia for the past 20 years, it has not been uncommon to hear of clients being detained or basically picked up by a group of burly orderlies and carted off to rehab. Every week, I receive calls from families requesting a 'pick up' for a loved one because the families often feel that there is only one way of getting their loved one into a rehab program."

Relying entirely on the clinical team to intervene, treat, and support their loved one does not create the best environment for healing. Samarpan Recovery provides insights and guidance for families with loved ones who struggle with substance misuse. Families should engage with their loved ones and actively encourage them to participate voluntarily in treatment. Clients benefit from family involvement in recovery.

Martin Peters also wrote, "The concept of Interventions is still relatively new in India, and we have started to undertake these interventions with the family . . . to get the . . . client to accept the treatment that they need. Often the families are unaware of the leverage that they hold or struggle with putting boundaries down. Substance abusers are used to being able to manipulate and get one more chance, so unless the family responds in a different way, then the likelihood is that nothing will change. As part of our intervention process, we can educate families and arrange fully formulated interventions to get people into treatment, as opposed to the old "pick up" model that is still prominent in India."

The Benefits Of Interventions

People struggling with SUD and co-occurring mental health disorders benefit from interventions for drug and alcohol abuse in the following ways:

  • Experiencing the concern and support of loved ones can improve self-worth and motivate clients to engage in treatment

  • Provides the client with information about how to access high-quality services

  • Increases social support and positive social interactions

  • Reduces the risk of relapse or overdose

  • Facilitates treatment that improves the quality of life

Clients who start treatment after a successful intervention often have better family support and social engagement compared to peers who entered treatment without the benefit of an intervention. Most people feel more confident overcoming challenges if their family shows an interest in their recovery.

How Can Families Intervene On Behalf Of Their Loved Ones?

According to Obi Unaka, Deputy Director of Residential Services at Samarpan Recovery, “Family members at times feel helpless and hopeless as to how to convince their loved one to do something about their substance abuse. Without realizing it, some of the steps taken by the family enable continued use. An intervention is a means of getting the family to the point in which they are able to recognize the leverage they have, challenge their loved ones' problematic behaviour, and set the boundaries of what they are no longer [willing] to put up with.”

Families can intervene on behalf of their loved ones by educating themselves and providing factual information and treatment options during an intervention.

Taking Advantage Of The Benefits Of Interventions At Samarpan Recovery

Samarpan Recovery offers various treatment and support options. Clinicians provide consultations and guidance for families needing help developing a successful intervention. The experts ensure families feel confident about motivating their loved ones to acknowledge the problem and accept assistance.

Successful interventions for drug and alcohol abuse often involve the following:

  • Speaking to the person in a neutral environment where they feel comfortable and safe

  • Avoiding blaming language and emotional appeals while being objective about the issues being presented

  • Consultations with addiction recovery specialists

Family members can reach out to Samarpan Recovery to learn more about how to help their loved ones heal. People who need help with SUD can benefit from experiencing the support and concern of their friends and family. The benefits of interventions include making the transition into treatment less stressful. However, every intervention is unique, and families should consult a professional before attempting one.

People with untreated substance misuse or mental health issues may benefit from family or professional interventions for drug and alcohol abuse. Family members often know their loved ones best and can motivate them to get the help they need. In many cases, an outside and objective perspective can help people experiencing addictive behaviours acknowledge the problem and accept the need for treatment. Interventions can involve inviting a mental health professional to provide essential insights and information about treatment. Interventions are about giving options to people with SUD, not forcing them to attend treatment. Force should never be used during an intervention. Samarpan Recovery offers guidance on how to conduct a successful intervention. Call us at +91 81809 19090.

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