What Happens If Someone Has A Bad Rehab Experience?

Some people struggling with substance use disorder (SUD) and mental health issues may hesitate to seek help if they previously had a bad rehab experience. According to the American Journal of Public Health, "Negative experiences with mental health professionals perceived to be discriminatory and discrimination experienced at the hands of others because of having a mental illness might deter individuals from seeking treatment."

Samarpan Recovery recognizes the need for client autonomy and transparency during treatment to reduce the risk of re-traumatization for clients who previously had bad rehab experiences.

The Rehabilitation Experience In India

According to Martin Peters, Director of Residential Services at Samarpan, "One person's recovery program will not necessarily work for another. In particular, not all clients will subscribe to a 12-Step Program, and as therapists, it is our duty to provide clients with options that will resonate for them."

Some rehabilitation programs in India offer excellent services and treatments. However, the rehabilitation experience can cause trauma if clients experience the following:

  • Treatment plans that ignore underlying issues related to addiction

  • Forced participation in treatment and therapy

  • Decreased autonomy or a complete lack of autonomy

  • No family involvement in treatment and continuing care

  • Lack of continuing care or extended support services

Martin Peters has written, "Treating clients with respect . . . empowering them and moving away from shame-based approaches is an important aspect of how we work. We, as a treatment center, also do not subscribe to Involuntary Admissions (Detained), so all clients that are in Samarpan are here through their own consent."

3 Common Causes Of Bad Rehab Experiences

Bad rehab experiences can affect people for years. Self-stigma, guilt, shame, and regret cause some individuals to isolate themselves and avoid treatment. Clinicians at Samarpan Recovery build trust by using trauma-informed care to ensure clients feel safe.

In addition, the community environment creates a healthy and positive space where clients can learn and heal alongside peers with similar life experiences. Below are three common causes of traumatic rehabilitation experiences in Indian addiction recovery and mental health facilities.

#1. Lack Of Transparency And Collaboration During The Rehabilitation Experience

Some programs provide no mental health education for clients and their loved ones. Clients are expected to follow a prescribed treatment plan without understanding the reasoning for the treatments. In addition, they may be given no choice in what treatments they participate in and have little or no understanding of their clinical effectiveness.

A lack of transparency can cause unexpected complications. Some clients may also have difficulty maintaining healthy changes if they do not understand the need for them. Samarpan Recovery insists on transparency in all aspects of treatment. Clients and their families will be able to learn about the treatment options and what to expect from the recovery process. The clinical team ensures clients make informed decisions about their health and future.

#2. Reduced Client Autonomy Or Forced Treatment

Forced treatment punishes clients for something outside their control. Addiction significantly affects behaviours and cognition, often making it impossible for people to abstain on their own. Clients with SUD should have various treatment options to choose from that meet their unique needs and requirements.

Client autonomy is an essential part of recovery and promotes positive mental health. Samarpan Recovery encourages clients to actively participate in their recovery by collaborating with the care team and engaging with peers.

#3. Treating The Symptoms And Not The Disease

Many facilities only treat the symptoms and not the underlying causes of the disease. For example, clients may be told to abstain from substance misuse, and doing so for a period of time is considered recovery. However, the root causes of addiction have not been treated, leaving the client vulnerable. Many clients relapse immediately after completing treatment.

Samarpan Recovery understands that long-term sobriety requires a holistic treatment approach that addresses all issues related to the client's SUD and mental health. The clinical team uses integrative care to treat the symptoms, co-occurring disorders, and various causes of addiction. Relapse prevention is also important to ensure the client continues making progress after transitioning out of treatment.

Coming To Terms With A Bad Rehab Experience

Families and their loved ones need to find healthy ways to cope with negative experiences to heal and move forward. A few ways clients can reduce the long-term effects of treatment-related trauma include:

  • Self-advocating

  • Insisting on personal autonomy

  • Playing an active role in creating the treatment plan

  • Having access to a range of support services

  • Collaborating with clinicians and peers during treatment

Clients with more control over their treatment and recovery often have better outcomes and fewer stress-related symptoms.

Samarpan Recovery Offers A Positive Rehabilitation Experience

Bad rehab experiences do not have to stop people from reaching out for help. Martin Peters stated, “Unfortunately, this is not something that is uncommon for people to have bad experiences in rehabilitation programs. At Samarpan we have designed a program that provides a safe, warm, and supportive environment that allows clients to feel uncomfortable, but be comfortable with their emotions. Clients will always be treated as individuals, and therapists will work collaboratively with them. It's important for clients to be treated as such, and we utilize different approaches that meet client's needs.”

The treatment programs offered throughout India vary significantly. Some facilities like Samarpan Recovery provide excellent services and personalized treatment to ensure clients feel comfortable and have positive outcomes. However, other programs may misinform or disinform clients and leave them hesitant to trust clinicians. Individuals who have been let down by their treatment team often have more severe symptoms and an increased risk of relapse. Samarpan Recovery helps clients avoid relapse by providing a supportive community of peers and clinicians who value transparency, honesty, and compassion. Clients are held accountable while maintaining control over their recovery. Clients are never forced to undergo treatment. To learn more, call us today at +91 81809 19090.

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